Monday, February 9, 2009

AN OPEN LETTER to the Right Honourable Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia

Dear Sir,

I write to you not as a BN critic, not as and Umno hater, not as a member of any political organisation, not even as a detractor of your kindself and family, but as a citizen born and bred in this beloved federation of ours that we call Malaysia.1st of all, I wish you and your family well and may you be blessed despite all the critism from all parties that you may have received, despite all the perceived misdeed that you have allegedly done.

In light of the recent developments in this country, both economically and politically, I beg you to do what is right, not just for the sake of this country, but for the sake of your future legitimacy and legacy. As you look accross Putrajaya towards the exhalted offices of the Prime Minister's that you shall soon occupy, I beg you to once and for all clear up this mess that we are now in. If anyone can, you are the best person to set this nation back on the right path or righteousness, equality and justice that our forefathers once dreamt of.

As I type along in my state of semi intoxication, let me apologise in advance my choice of words and typo or gramatical errors. In my most sober state of mind, I have never been known to be a person of great skill when I comes to the art of the pen. For forgive me if i sound blunt. But rest assured, my head is clear. I'm sure you of all leader will understand that to be a true leader is to be open to critism and opinion.

Some in your party may call me and my kind 'pendatang'. Others, like you in your youth, may even want to bathe in my blood. I many even lose my freedom after sedning this open letter. But in the spirit of forgiveness and togetherness as one nation, all can be forgiven. Even your alleged misdeeds can be forgiven. Who hasn't be wrong before? We are all not angels for we are mere mortals. I for one have many regrets and misdeeds in my youth and adoloscence that I am not proud of. If only Mr Well's time machine is a reality.

Alas, turn back time we can't. But you Sir, are at the apogee of power and influence, a mere step from the highest office in the land and I beg you to make a date with destiny, to be remember in good light for all eternity. And that you can. Set forth the motions to have the rakyat, once and for all determine the shape of our future.

You may start by calling for nationwide snap elections to let the Rakyat decide on the right and wrong of the current polical quagmire that we are in. Do so, and I shall rest my case and be at peace. At least until the following elections. Have an election commission that is truly bipartisan and independent. A commission made up of equal representation from all registered polical parties in the land and one individual randomly selected from the electoral roll of each state. Abolish the highly dobious postal voting system. Have observers from 20 countries if you want. Do so and let the Rakyat be at peace for once and for all so we may all forge ahead as a nation, truly united.

As is sit here pondering the next sentences, I'm wondering not about the freedom of speech for we can all say what we want. It's my freedom AFTER the speech that worries me. But if I am to be the sacrificial lamb for us to have a true and undisputable democracy, then so be it. Which is why I'm not hiding behind any proxy servers of anonymous email addresses. I'm wiriting to you truthfull and wholeheartedly in my own name. If you have to risk being thrown out of office for the sake of the nation and your legitimacy, then so be it. Let the people decide. Anwar was wrong to promote defections. but so were you, in Perak. But that's only my opinion. So let the people decide. Let if be a refferendum on the recent events and your stake at high office. You may have much to lose but the world to gain. The country has more to lose, if you don't.

Once again, in parting, I wish you and your family well and may you rest well tonight. May God grant you the strenght to do what is right. And prove me wrong!

Yours sincerely

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