Thursday, April 30, 2009

Of condolences and sadness

The wife of one of the prominent local state politicians just kicked the bucket recently, after helping her husband rob and steal from the people for more than 27 years.

BNMustGo would like to wish the family the deepest of condolences. Not that we are very sorry about it, really. I mean, if it's your time, it's your time.

The only regret we have, if any, about this whole thing is that perhaps the Higher Powers took the wrong spouse. Or took one less. Should've done the one up over both of them. Actually, should've just whacked the entire family and next of kins. Ali Bebe and the 40 thieves (and robbers, wife beaters, etc), basically.

The husband is probably the more suitable candidate to have a game over. And this will definitely save the people of the poor state much, much further anguish, heartbreak and sadness.

Imagine, then, Mr Widower, when you die (which we hope is real soon), the entire state will rejoice in your death. Everybody will cheer, and party and dance like there's no tomorrow. Imagine decades after you die, we will still tell our grand kids about the atrocities you committed against your fellow country men.

And when you die, you will be judged in Hell. And we'll bet the ranch that you will burn in the Fires of Hell for eternity as well. Just like your wife.

May God have mercy on what's left of your dark soul, for no one else will.

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